21 Eylül 2007 Cuma

izmir, Where to Visit

Kemeraltı Bazaar : The big bazaar in the city centre stretches from the coast road to the Konak area, and is a major shopping centre with a vast array of goods inside. It combines modern businesses, shops and cafes, with antiques, dried fruit, household and leather goods in old alleyways with vaults and domes.

Inside the bazaar, there is one of the most interesting structures of Izmir: Kizlaragasi Hani is an Ottoman caravanserai inside the Halim Aga Bazaar and was completed in 1745. This covered market sells hand-made products, carpets, leather and souvenirs. There are many entrances to the markets, from Basmane, Konak and Anafartalar. Konak is one of the oldest areas of the city, with most of the buildings that survived the great fire, although the traditional areas are gradually being modernised. This is the location of the city’s landmark, the Saat Kulesi (Ottoman clock tower) decorated with tiles.

Asansör (Elevator) : The elevator was constructed by Jewish businessman Nesim Levi in 1907, in order to make life easier for the local residents to go to their mansions on the top of the hill. These days tourists use it to admire the views of the old streets and houses of Mithatpasa. Located in the heart of Izmir’s old Jewish quarter, it is housed in a 50m-high brick tower and after refurbishment in 1992 it now contains a café on the top floor, and the original hydraulics are exhibited on the ground floor. In its heyday in the 1930s, it also contained a theatre, cinema, refreshment stall and photographer’s shop.

Kültürpark : The big Kulturpark in the city centre is one of the densest green areas in Izmir, covering 30 hectares. There is a zoo, artificial lake, parachute tower, open-air theatre and a collection of bars and cafes. This has been the venue of the International Izmir Fair every August since 1936.

Botanic Garden : One of the best Botanical Gardens of Turkey, is in the Ege University field. There are around 3000 species of plants from the tropical regions to the Alps, many of which are kept under artificial conditions. The arboretum has hundreds of species of trees and bushes, and the herbarium centre contains dried plant samples that are preserved for the use of scientific research.

izmir, turkey, smyrna

Area : 11.973 km²

Population : 3.370.866 (2000)

Traffic Code : 35

İzmir is the third biggest city in Turkey, with a population of around 2.5 million, the second biggest port after Istanbul, and a good transport hub. Once the ancient city of Smyrna, it is now a modern, developed, and busy commercial centre, set around a huge bay and surrounded by mountains and was. The broad boulevards, glass-fronted buildings and modern shopping centres are dotted with traditional red-tiled roofs, the 18th century market, and old mosques and churches, although the city has an atmosphere more of Mediterranean Europe than traditional Turkey.

The climate is comfortable, with a relatively mild summer due to the refreshing breeze from the Aegean. The long attractive palm-fringed promenade, Birince Kordon, which stretches the entire length of the city up to the Alsancak Ferry Terminal, is a popular spot for evening walks, and there are many cafes along the waterfront. Izmir has a good selection of culture and entertainment, from the Archaeological and Ethnographic Museums, to the Izmir State Opera and Ballet and Izmir State Symphony Orchestra, to the many bars and clubs. The cosmopolitan and lively city gets even busier during the International Izmir Festival (mid-June to mid-July) with music and dance, with performances also in nearby Cesme and Ephesus.

Districts : Balcova, Cigli, Gaziemir, Karsiyaka, Konak, Aliaga, Bayindir, Bergama, Beydag, Bornova, Buca, Cesme, Dikili, Foca, Karaburun, Kemalpasa, Kinik, Kiraz, Menderes, Menemen, Narlibahce, Odemis, Seferihisar, Selcuk, Tire, Turbalı and Urla.





Aliağa: Aliağa, which is 60 km. north of İzmir, have signes of İzmir and Bergama civilizations. 4 of the 12 cities, composing the biggest and most important ones among Aiol cities, whose number is exceeding 30 at Aegean coasts, are within Aigaia, Kyme, Myrna and Gryneion province territories.
Dikili: Dikili is a pretty province and popular summer resort, around 120km north of Izmir. Candarli is nearby, and the area is full of natural beauty as well as historical interest. There is a crater lake in Medivenli village, and pine groves and ancient caverns in Demirtas and Delitas. The area is also famous for its hot springs, which can be found in Nebiler, Bademli and Kocaoba villages. The port at Dikili is large enough for three passenger ships, and is a good transport connection.

Seferihisar: Teos antic city at Sığacık region, Karaköse ruins at Doğanbey - Gerenalanı region, former settlement area constructed within castle and castle, constructed by Ottomans at Sığacık, monumental structures of Seljukian and Ottoman period at province center of the province, whose settlement history reaches till 1000 B. C., are composing the archeological and historical source potential of the region. Seferihisar has beautiful beaches and bays with its 27 km. Coastal band.

Menderes: Menderes province, which draws attention with its satsuma, beautiful bays and historical values, is 20 km. away from İzmir. Lebedos Antic City is at west of province at Ürkmez region. Ruins of Kolophon, Klaros, Notion and Lebedos Antic Cities, which are on Menderes - Seljukian road as adjacent to each other, are composing the important archeological sources of the province. Gümüldür borough is the producer region of Satsuma, which is a world famous kind of tangerine. Özdere is one of the nine big tourism regions of Aegean Region, and it is a tourism borough where amateur fishermen can fish besides its clear sea and coast. Various colored and shaped beads which are produced in natives at Görece Village of Menderes, are drawing attention of national and international tourists.

Karaburun is at the northern point of the Urla Peninsula, and its northern and western coasts have beautiful bays surrounding the Izmir bay. There were settlements in this area which date back to the Stone Age, and excavations have indicated it was a developed cultural centre during the Hittite period, then a trading centre during the Aiol, Lydia and Roman civilisations. It is now the newest suburb of Izmir, and has a couple of small guest houses and fish restaurants. Its most dramatic feature is the setting, with villages and orchards clinging to the steep rock face. There is a bus service in the area, although private vehicles offer more possibilities for exploring.

Urla: Urla is in the middle of the peninsula and holds all the characteristics of the Aegean. It lies 38km west of Izmir and used to be a cultural centre with remains unearthed dating back to the Hitties. It was originally the site of the Ionian city of Clazomenae, with probably the oldest regularly used port in the world. Pieces of art and sculpture found during excavations are now exhibited in the Louvre, Athens National Museum and Izmir Archaeology Museum.

Torbalı: An ancient Ionian city, famous for its wines and religious centre, has three marble alters devoted to the Roman Emperor August and his foster child Germanikys, in an ancient theatre which dominates the valley. Pieces of art found during excavations are exhibited in Izmir and Ephesus museums. The town has the remains of an old port and a few holiday complexes, and is set attractively against a pine forest.

Ödemiş: The north of Odemis, which is 113km southeast of Izmir, are the ruins of Hypaiapa. The historical importance of the region began with Birgi, west of Odemis, which was the capital during the Aydinogullari period and contained outstanding examples of Seljuk and Ottoman architecture. Birgi has been on the World Cultural Heritage list since 1994, and points of interest here include Cakiraga Mansion, Imam-i Birgivi Medrese and Sultan Sah Mausoleum.

Tire: One of the largest towns in the area, Tire is 82km southeast of Izmir and lies at the foot of the Aydin Mountains. Its long cultural heritage includes periods under the Hittites, Frygians, Lydians, Persians, Romans and Byzantines, and developed its strong links with the economy during the Ottoman period. The town has an attractive old quarter with many impressive examples of Islamic architecture, and a lively Tuesday market influenced by the gypsy population in the surrounding villages.

Kemalpaşa: The historical background of Kemalpasa, which lies 29km west of Izmir, dates back to 1300 BC. It was host to the Akkads, Hitties, Seljuk and Ottoman civilisations, and was a resort between the Art and Ion cities during Roman and Byzantine times. The only remains from the Hittites in the Aegean region is the Karabel relief, which is in the province. Previously known in ancient times as Nymphaion, the town lies at the foot of Nif mountain at 200m altitude, and is best known for its cherries and pine forests.


Mother Goddess Statuette

Fired clay, first half of the 6th millenium B.C., height 20 cm, Çatalhöyük. (Museum of Anatolian Civilizations)

Bust of Alexander the Great

This marble bust 42 cm in height was found during the excavations at Pergammon and dates back to 3rd century B.C. of the original busts of Alexander the Great made during his lifetime, none have reached us today, we have only found reproductions. The bust found in Pergammon is famous, it being more realistic than the one in Louvre-Paris. (İstanbul Archaelogical Museum)

Yazılıkaya - Midas City - The Great Monument

Situated at 90 km. from Eskişehir, the Yazılıkaya - Midas City established during the 7th century B.C., is famous for its Great Monument which is an important masterpiece of the Pbrygian Period. The monument is covered with miscellaneous geometric designs and hyerogliphics. During the Pbrygian Period religious ceremonies used to be held here.

Ephesus Artemis Temple

This famous temple is one of the seven wonders of the world, and is also known as Artemission. It was first built in lonian style during 560-550 B.C. by the Lydian King Kroisos. After being burnt down in 356 B.C. by a lunatic, it was rebuilt on the same foundations, but its height was extended by 3 m. This temple, which is also famous for its marble statues, is 55.10 x 115 in dimensions and was the largest of all temple, which were discovered during digs by J.T. Wood in 1869-1874, and David G. Hogart in 1904-1905 in the name of the British Museum, were taken to England.

An example to the reliefs under the columns of remains of the Ephesus Artemis Temple (British Museum - London)

Rock Relief at Ivriz

Situated at the Ivriz springs 12 km from the Ereğli - Konya province. Late Hittite Period, 8 th century B.C.. The relief which is 6.08 m in height, expresses the thanksgiving of Warpalavas to the Gods of Plentiness, Santaj.


An antique city situated near the Karacasu-Aydın province, was established in the name of Goddess Aphrodite. It continued to be a great center of inhabitance from the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period (2800 B.C. - 220 A.D.). During excavations, the Aphrodite Temple, Odeon, Statium and agora, and the city baths have been revealed. Aphrodisias was well known during the Early Age as a center of sculpture. The Aphrodisias Stadium is one of the best preserved stadiums among the antique city stadiums in Anatolia.


Situated in Salihli - Manisa province, it is an antique city which served as capital to the Lydian State. Archaelogical digs since the 19th century have revealed important works such as the Artemis Temple, gymnasium, stadium, Roman and Byzantine baths. The picture shows a section of the gymnaisum.


Aspendos This antique city established in the Early age is 48km east of Antalya. Its most important feature is its theatre. The theatre and its stage are the best preserved of the Roman theatres in anatolia which have reached our times. 15000 spectators can sit in the theatre. It was built during the reign of Emperor Antonius Pius (134 - 164) by architect Zenon

Derinkuyu Underground City

Situated in the Derinkuyu Nevşehir province, this city was built as a defence and hiding site during the period of the spreading of Christianity. It was built by excavating the soft rocks underground, and is estimated to have been built during the 9th-10th centuries. It consists of rooms on either side of narrow passages, ventilation stacks, a chapel and a well.

Bodrum - Halicarnassos Mausoleum

The tomb of Persioan governor Maussolos ad Bodrum - Halicarnassos is one of the seven wonders of the world. Upon the death of Maussolos in 352 B.C., the mausoleum was built by his wife Artemisia. The architects were Pytheos and Satyrus. Famous sculptors such as Scopas, Timotheos, Bryaris and Leochares worked on each of the walls. It covers an area of 60 x 80 m. and is 46 m. in height. There exist 9 x 11 pillars. Some of the pieces have been used in the construction of the Bodrum Castle. Some of the pieces were taken during the 19th century to the British Museum

Lydia (Karun) Treasures

These consist of the pieces smuggled to the US Metropolitan Art Museum by smugglers who dug the Toptepe Timulus near the Gure-Uşak province in 1965, the İkiztepe Tumulus in 1966 and the Aktepe I Tumulus in 1968. These pieces of work are the best examples of the 6th century B.C. Lydian art. After a long period of legal negotiations carried out by the Ministry of Culture these were given back to Turkey in 1993. (Museum of Uşak)

Photo: Lydia "Karun" Treasure Necklace in the shape of disk of sun Agate - Gold, 6th century B.C. (Museum of Uşak)

Kaymaklı Underground City

The city is situated 15km to Nevşehir, in the Kaymaklı province. It was built during the 9th - 10th centuries during the period of the spreading of christianity, as a city of defence and hiding sites. The 8 floors of this underground city are built around a ventilation stack. The ceiling height of rooms on each floor, surrounding a ball, is 2m. the chapels are larger than the rooms and the ceilings are higher.

Ephesus Celcius Library

It is the most important remains of the Ephesus antique city in the İzmir Selçuk province.Built during the Roman Period in 115-117, it survived a fire in the year 260. It is famous for its striking architecture of its two-story facade. The three rows of recesses in the inner walls of the library were used to store rolls of script.

Karain Cave

Situated 27 km. northwest of Antalya, on the Katran Mountains. It is a natural cave. It has been discovered to have been used as human shelter during the prehistoric (Paleolithic, Mezzolithic and Calcolithic) ages. Skeletons, tools from the paleolithic and neolithic ages, processed flintstones and other important remains have been found.

19 Eylül 2007 Çarşamba

Germany's Top Ten Places to Visit

Cologne Cathedral

Cologne Cathedral, Copyright DZT, Photographer: Keute, Jochen
Cologne's mighty cathedral towers just a stone's throw from the banks of the Rhine. Built over 600 years ago entirely in a high-Gothic style, it is Cologne's most famous landmark and an UNESCO World Heritage site. Its most sacred treasure is the Shrine of the Three Magi, a magnificent gilded sarcophagus thought to hold the remains of the Three Wise Men. More than 500 steps lead up the south tower, which offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the city.


Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria. Copyright DZT, Photographer: DZT
King Ludwig II's world-famous castle stands proudly against the spectacular backdrop of the Alps in southern Bavaria. Neuschwanstein, his fairytale castle, is the most-visited building in Germany, and was designed to resemble a medieval German knight's castle. Walt Disney also found inspiration for his magic kingdom here and based his world-famous Disney Castle on this spectacular Bavarian highlight.

Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg Castle. Copyright DZT, Photographer Cowin, Andrew
The charming city of Heidelberg in south-western Germany is home to Heidelberg Castle - its ruins rise majestically on the site of a medieval castle complex high above the lanes and the jumble of roofs of the picturesque old town. The architecture contains elements of the Gothic and Renaissance periods. The castle gardens, the Great Vat (the world's largest wine barrel) and the remarkable Pharmacy Museum are also worth a visit.

Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin. Copyright: Berlin Tourismus Marketing
Established in 1962 next to the legendary Checkpoint Charlie border crossing, the "Haus am Checkpoint Charlie" Museum is an exhibition on the history of the Berlin Wall and the partition of the city. It contains original items used in underground, overground and even airborne attempts to flee East Germany. There are also exhibitions on Berlin's history and on the international non-violent fight for human rights.

Church of Our Lady, Dresden

Church of Our Lady, Dresden, Copyright DZT, Photographer: Kiedrowski, Rainer
Dresden's most famous attraction is a masterpiece of baroque architecture on the River Elbe. Destroyed in the bombing raids of 1945 the Church of Our Lady has been rebuilt and is now a symbol for reconciliation and peace. With its marbled pillars and delicately painted balustrades the chancel looks as good as new, while the huge stone dome is once again the dominating feature of the cityscape.

Marienplatz, Munich

Town Hall, Marienplatz, Munich. Copyright DZT, Photographer Kiedrowski, Rainer
This beautiful square in the heart of the Old Town is home to the town hall and its world-famous carillon (Glockenspiel), which has existed since 1908. The mechanical figures delight the audience on the square below by dancing to chimes at 11 am and midday throughout the year. During Spring and Summer there is an extra performance at 5 pm.

German Emigration Center, Bremerhaven

Bremerhaven. Copyright BTZ.
Situated on Germany's northern coast, in the port of Bremerhaven, is Europe's largest museum specializing in emigration. This modern museum offers a compelling insight into emigrants' lives and their incredible stories. It is also an invaluable source of information for those who want to find out more about their family heritage and offers numerous research possibilities.

Saxony Switzerland

Saxony Switzerland, Germany. Copyright DZT, Photographer Colorvision Uthoff, Hans R.
The Saxon Switzerland National Park is one of the jewels in Germany's scenic crown. Strange rock needles, cliffs and deep gorges alternate with wide plains, large, silent forests and valleys, looked down upon by table mountains. Large sections of the neighboring "Bohemian Switzerland" have also been designated a national park. With a little patience it is possible to spot otters, falcons and even the occasional lynx.
Black Forest
Black Forest, Germany. Copyright DZT, Photographer Storto, Walter
The Black Forest, or Schwarzwald to give it its German name, is famous the world over. Deeply rooted in its traditional culture the Black Forest is an area of mountains, waterfalls and forest in the south west of Germany 125 miles long and up to 37 miles wide. This beautfully scenic region is home to the cuckoo clock and of course the delicious Black Forest Cake and is a paradise for hikers, skiers and spa lovers alike offering something for everyone.

Bavarian Alps

Bavarian Alps, Germany. Copyright DZT, Photographer Mader, Fritz
The Bavarian Alps in southern Germany is one of the country's most visited vacation regions. Picturesque villages, fairytale castles and crystal-clear lakes are set against the dramatic backdrop of snow-covered mountain peaks. In winter this area is a skier's paradise whilst in summer the lower mountain meadows are perfect to stroll or hike through.

Germany Religious Traditions

Bad Wimpfen; Copyright Müller, Werner H.
Germany was predominantly a Roman Catholic country during the medieval period. It was not until the Reformation started by Martin Luther in 1517 that Protestantism emerged and has since become the country's second major religion.
Nowadays Roman Catholics, mainly concentrated in the south, make up about 30 percent of the German population. Protestants, the great majority of whom are Lutherans, make up 30 percent of the people and live primarily in the north.
Approximately 4 percent are Muslim and a small percentage of Germans are Jewish. Today Germany has the fastest growing Jewish community in Europe, made up mostly of Jews from Eastern European countries, who have begun to settle in the larger cities of Germany, particularly Berlin.
Visitors to Germany can experience these major world religions and learn first hand and in-depth about their historical origins and traditions, from the past to the present day at various museums, memorials and religious buildings and places of pilgrimage found throughout the country.

Travel To Germany!

Map of Germany
Situated at the very heart of Europe, Germany's diversity astounds the visitor. Travel to Germany and discover fairytale castles, picturesque villages, crystal-clear lakes and snow-capped mountains, the mystical Black Forest, stunning Rhine River cruises, traditional Christmas markets and of course the world-famous Oktoberfest. Germany's elegant cities, including the hip and stylish capital city of Berlin, are vibrant cultural and historical centers and their sidewalk cafés are the perfect place to sit down, relax and watch the world go by. Now is the time to travel to Germany and experience this beautiful and historic country in all its splendor.

Stuttgart Beer Festival 2007

Stuttgart Beer Festival
The south German city of Stuttgart is celebrating its famous Beer Festival from September 29 through October 14, 2007. Now in its 162nd year, it has become one of the world's most beautiful folk festivals. There will be non-stop action around the beautifully decorated, almost 80 foot high fruit column, the festival's imposing symbol, which was given by King Wilhelm during the harvest festival in 1818 after years of famine.
In recognition of 400 years of German emigration to America, the German National Tourist Office, German Information Center, and their partners invite you to visit the new German American heritage website: www.germanoriginality.com.
You will find links to ancestry websites; the history of famous German Americans; an interactive map of important German American heritage places; as well as community features, including cooking ideas and recipes, festivals and events in the U.S. as well as travel tips.
Bremerhaven Harbor

Oktoberfest - Munich, Germany

Oktoberfest, Munich, Germany
The world's most famous beer festival starts on September 22 this year and runs through October 7 in the Bavarian capital of Munich. Experience Germany's warm hospitality, music and of course beer at this spectacular event.


Musée du Louvre

34-36 quai du Louvre - 75058 Paris Cedex 01,
Métro: Palais-Royal - Musée du Louvre
Main en
trance: through the pyramid
Phone: 01 40 20 50 50 - Fax: 01 40 20 54 42 , Voice server (five languages): 01 40 20 51 51
Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and certain public holidays from 9:00 to 18:00 Monday
from 9:00 to 21:45 but after 17:30 only the Richelieu wing is open Evenings on Wednesday until 21:45 . The Hall Napoléon is open from 9:00 until 22:00.
The Medieval Louvre and History of the Louvre rooms are open every day except Tuesdays, from 9:00 to 18:00 (21:45 on Mondays and Wednesdays). Temporary exhibitions under the pyramid (Hall Napoléon) are open from 9:00 to 18:00 (21:45 on Mondays and Wednesdays)
Closed Tuesday and some holidays

This enormous building, constructed around 1200 as a fortress and rebuilt in the mid-16th century for use as a royal palace, began its career as a public museum in 1793. As part of Mitterand's grands projets in the 1980s, the Louvre was revamped with the addition of a 21m (67ft) glass pyramid entrance. Initially deemed a failure, the new design has since won over those who regard consistency as inexcusably boring. Vast scrums of people puff and pant through the rooms full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory (which looks like it's been dropped and put back together). If the clamour becomes unbearable, your best bet is to pick a period or section of the Louvre and pretend that the rest is somewhere across town.

Musée d'Orsay

62 rue de Lille - 75007 Paris
Phone: 01 40 49 48 14
Métro: Solférino or RER C
Open daily 10:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00, Thursday until 21:45
Closed Monday
Built inside the former Orsay train station, the museum displays a series of collections featuring artistic works from the second half of the XIX century in the fields of painting, sculpture, architecture, city planning, decorative arts, photography, etc.

Spectacularly housed in a former railway station built in 1900, the Musee d'Orsay was reinaugurated in its present form in 1986. Inside is a trove of artistic treasures produced between 1848 and 1914, including highly regarded Impressionist and Post-impressionist works. Most of their paintings and sculptures are found on the ground floor and the skylight-lit upper level, while the middle level has some magnificent rooms showcasing the Art-Nouveau movement. Nearby, the Musee Rodin displays the lively bronze and marble sculptures by Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin, including casts of some of Rodin's most celebrated works. There's a shady sculpture garden out the back, one of Paris' treasured islands of calm.

Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou

Free entry to the Museum for those under 18 years of age and to the exhibitions for those under 13
75191 Paris cedex 04
Métro: Rambuteau, Hôtel de Ville; RER: Châtelet/Les/Halles
Entrée par la piazza, place Georges-Pompidou, Paris 4
Phone: 01 44 78 12 33
Open daily from 11:00 to 22:00
Museum and exhibits: 11:00 to 21:00
Closed Tuesdays and 1 May

The Centre Georges Pompidou, displaying and promoting modern and contemporary art, is far and away the most visited sight in Paris. Built between 1972 and 1977, the hi-tech though daffy design has recently begun to age, prompting face-lifts and closures of many parts of the centre. Woven into this melee of renovation are several good (though pricey) galleries plus a free, three-tiered library with over 2000 periodicals, including English-language newspapers and magazines from around the world. A square just to the west attracts street musicians, Marcel Marceau impersonators and lots of unsavoury types selling drugs or picking pockets.

Musée de l'Orangerie

Jardin des Tuileries - 75001 Paris
Phone: 01 42 97 48 16 - Fax: 01 42 61 30 82
Métro: Concorde
Open daily 9:45 to 17:15
Closed Tuesday

Claude Monet's Water lilies and the Walter Guillaume collection: Cézanne, Renoir, Matisse, Picasso, le Douanier Rousseau, Modigliani, Soutine, Derain, etc.

Bibliothèque-Musée de l'Opéra National de Paris-Garnier

8, rue Scribe - 75009 Paris
Phone: 01 47 42 07 02 - Fax : 01 42 65 10 16
Métro : Opéra
RER : Auber
Bus : 20, 21, 22, 27, 29, 31, 39, 42, 52, 53, 66, 68, 81, 95
Open : 10:00 to 17:00
Closed : May 1st to May 8
Prices : 30 FRF - Red.: 18 FRF

Installed in the Palais Garnier, the musée de l'Opéra promotes the heritage of three centuries of existence of this temple of dance thanks to paintings, drawings of scenery and costumes, scale models.

Fondation Dina Vierny-Musée Maillol

59-61 rue de Grenelle, 75007
Métro: Rue du Bac
Open daily 11:00 to 18:00
Closed Tuesday

Galeries nationales du Grand Palais

3 avenue du Général Eisenhower - 75008 Paris
Phone: 01 44 13 17 10 - Fax: 01 45 63 54 33
Métro: lignes 1, 9 and 13 - stations Champs-Elysées - Clemenceau ou Franklin-Roosevelt
Bus: lignes 28, 32, 42, 49, 72, 73, 80, 83, 93
Visits with reservations every morning from 10:00 to 13:00
Visits without reservations everyday 13:00 to 20:00 (ticket sales stop at 19:15), Wednesday until 22:00 (ticket sales stop at 21:15)
Closed Tuesday, 25 December and 1 May
Visitors have 30 minutes to enter the exhibition, starting on the hour indicated on their tickets.
Reservations can be made at the Paris Tourist Information Office, 127 avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris from Monday to Saturday, in all FNAC stores and on the France Billet network at the boutique Musée et Compagnie, 49 rue Etienne Marcel, 75001 Paris
Phone: 01 40 13 49 13
By telephone 08 92 684 694
By minitel 3615 Billetel or 3615 FNAC
By internet: http://www.fnac.com/
Reservations can not be made directly at the Galeries nationales du Grand Palais. Reservations can neither be made on the actual day of the visitor the day before.

Hotel de Sully

62, rue Saint Antoine - 75004 Paris
Métro: Saint-Paul
Open daily 10:00 to 18:30
Closed Monday

Institut du Monde Arabe

1, rue des Fossés-Saint-Bernard - 75236 Paris cedex 05
Tél. 01 40 51 38 38 - Fax 01 43 54 76 45
Serveur vocal 01 40 51 38 11
Open 10:00 to 18:00
Closed: Monday

Maison Europeene de la Photographie

Main entrance: 5/7 rue de Fourcy - 75004 Paris.
Phone: (33) 1 44 78 75 00 - Fax: (33) 1 44 78 75 15
Métro: Saint Paul or Pont Marie.
Bus: 67, 69, 96 ou 76.
Parking: Parc Baudoyer, Parc Pont Marie, Parc Lobau with public car parks near the Maison Européenne and disabled parking available in the street opposite 2 rue Jouy
Open daily 11:00 to 20:00
Closed Mondays, Tuesdays and public holidays

La Maison de Victor Hugo

Hôtel de Rohan-Guéménée, 6, place des Vosges - Paris 4
Phone: 01 42 72 10 16 - Fax: 01 42 72 06 64
Métro: Bastille, Saint Paul, Chemin vert
Bus N°: 20-29-65-69-96
Open to the public every day from 10:00 to 17:00
Closed Mondays
Entrance: 17, 50 FRF - Reduced rate: 9 FRF

Musée des Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie

293 avenue Daumesnil - 75012 Paris
Phone: 01 44 74 84 80 - Fax: 01 43 43 27 53
Métro: Porte Dorée
Open daily 10:00 to 17:30
Closed Tuesday

Musée des Arts asiatiques-Guimet

6 place d'Iéna - 75116 Paris
Phone: 01 56 52 53 00 - Fax: 01 56 52 53 54
Métro: Iéna
Open daily 10:00 to 18:00

Musée des Arts décoratifs

Parking: Carrousel du Louvre, Rue des Pyramides.
Access for the disabled via a lift at 105, Rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris.
Métro: Palais Royal, Tuileries, Pyramides.
Bus: 21, 27, 39, 48, 68, 72, 81, 95.
Open Tuesdays to Fridays from 11:00 to 18:00
(Wednesdays to 21:00)
Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 to 18:00
Closed on Mondays and national holidays.
Talks and guided tours: phone Artdéco Culture on 01 44 55 59 26.

Musée des Arts et Traditions populaires

6, avenue du Mahatma Gandhi - 75116 Paris (en bordure du Jardin d'acclimatation)
Phone: 01 44 17 60 00 - Fax: 01 44 17 60 60
Métro: Sablons
Open daily 9:30 to 17:15
Closed Tuesday
Situated close to the Jardin d'acclimatation, the museum houses archives, objects and tools which are displayed in their context and are part of France's ethnological heritage.

Carnavalet Museum

Museum of art and history of the city of Paris
23, rue de Sévigné - 75003 Paris
Phone: 01 42 72 21 13 - Fax : 01 42 72 01 61
Métro: Saint-Paul, Chemin-vert
Bus: 29-69-76-96
Open from 10:00 to 17:40
Closed on Monday
Price: 30 FRF - Special Price: 20 FRF - Museum + Exposition: 35 FRF / 25 FRF

Musée Curie

11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75 248 Paris Cedex 05
Phone/fax: 01 42 34 67 49
Email: musee@curie.fr
Open from Monday to Friday 13:30 to 17:00
Closed the month of August and public holidays
Free Entrance
There are guided tours in English at 14:00 and in French at 15:30.
Group visits by appointment only.

Musée Delacroix

6 rue de Furstenberg - 75006 Paris
Phone: 01 44 41 86 50 - Fax: 01 43 54 36 70
Métro: Saint-Germain-des-Près
Open daily 9:30 to 17:00
Closed Tuesday

Delacroix's studio-apartment and garden: the artist's last home. He lived here from 1857 until his death on 13 August 1863. The master's works and documents relative to his life include paintings, drawings, engravings, letters, autographs and souvenirs from a trip to Morocco in 1832.

Musée des Égouts de Paris

Face au 93 quai d'Orsay - 75007 Paris
Phone: 01 47 05 10 29 - Fax: 01 47 05 34 78
Métro Alma-Marceau
RER: Pont de l'Alma
Bus: 42, 63, 80, 92
Open: Winter from 11:00 to 16:00 - Summer 11:00 to 17:00
Closed Thursday, Friday, 3 last weeks in January
Prices: 25 FRF - Red. 20 FRF - Group: 20 FRF - In the summer

Five hundred metres into the sewers of Paris to trace their history and that of Lutecia to the present day. An original way of exploring Paris, an exhibition area presenting the water cycle in Paris and its history. Several models and machinery used yesterday and today. Audio-visual show, exhibition room on the techniques of the future.

Musée d'Ennery

59 avenue Foch - 75116 Paris
Phone: 01 45 53 57 96 - Fax: 01 47 23 61 65
Métro: Dauphine
Open Thursday, Sunday, 14:00 to 18:00
Chinese and Japanese art during the Second Empire.

Musée Grévin

10, Boulevard Montmartre - 75000 Paris
Phone: 01 47 70 85 05
Métro : Grands Boulevards
Open every day
From July 1st to September 3, 2000: 10:00 - 19:00 (last entrances 18:00)
From September 4 to December 31, 2000: 13:00 - 18:30
(on Toussaint and Christmas holidays museum open fron 10:00)
Prices: Adults : 65 FRF - Children: 39 FRF

Musée Hébert

Hôtel de Montmorency-Bourg
85 rue du Cherche Midi - 75006 Paris
Phone: 01 42 22 23 82 - Fax: 01 45 48 42 39
Métro: Vaneau, Duroc, Sévres-Babylone, Saint-Placide
Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12:30 to 18:00
Saturday, Monday and some public holidays from 14:30 to 18:00
Closed Tuesday
Paintings, watercolors and drawings by Ernest Hébert (1817-1908).

Musée Jean-Jacques Henner

43 avenue de Villiers - 75017 Paris
Phone: 01 47 63 42 73 - Fax: 01 43 80 00 82
Métro: Malesherbes, Wagram
Open daily 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:30 to 17:00
Closed Monday
Paintings and drawings by Jean-Jacques Henner (1829-1903).

Le musée d'histoire de France - Hôtel de Soubise

Métro: Rambuteau, Saint-Paul, Hôtel de Ville, Châtelet
Open from Monday to Friday 10:00 to 17:45 Saturday - Sunday 13:45 to 17:45
Closed Tuesday and public holidays
Price: 20 FRF - Red.: 15 FRF

Museum of Modern Art of Paris

11, avenue du Président Wilson - 75116 Paris
Phone: 01 53 67 40 00
métro: Iéna, Alma-Marceau
RER: Pont de l'Alma
Bus: 32-42-63-72-80-92
Open from 9:00 to 17:00

Musée Gustave Moreau

14 rue La Rochefoucauld - 75009 Paris
Phone: 01 48 74 38 50 - Fax: 01 48 74 18 71
Open Monday and Wednesday from 11:00 to 17:15,
Thursday to Sunday from 10:00 to 12:45 and 14:00 to 17:15
Closed Tuesday
The major works of Gustave Moreau (1826-1898).

Musée de l'holographie

Discovery of 3D laser pictures floating in space.
Les Halles Niveau -1, Portes Berger - Rambuteau, 15-21 Grand Balcon - 75001 Paris
Phone: 01 40 39 96 83 - Fax : 01 42 74 33 57
Métro: Les Halles
RER: Châtelet-Les Halles
Bus: 21, 38, 47, 67, 69, 70, 75
Open: 10:00 to 19:00 - Sunday and bank holidays: 13:00 to 19:00
Prices: 32 FRF - Red. 27 FRF - Group: 16 FRF

Musée Jacquemart André

158 boulevard Haussmann, 75008
Métro: Miromesnil
Open daily 10:00 to 18:00

Musée de la Mode et du Textile

http://www.ucad.fr/mmt/garde_robe/ (in french...)
107 rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris
Phone: 01 44 55 57 50 - fax: 01 44 55 57 84
Open Tuesdays to Fridays from 11:00 to 18:00 - Wednesdays to 21:00 -
Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 to 18:00
Closed on Mondays and national holidays
Métro: Palais Royal, Tuileries, Pyramides
Bus: 21, 27, 39, 48, 68, 72, 81, 95
Parking: Carrousel du Louvre, Rue des Pyramides
Access for the disabled via a lift at 105, Rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris
Talks and guided tours: phone Artdéco Culture on 01 44 55 59 26

Musée du Moyen Age - Thermes de Cluny

6 place Paul Painlevé 75006 - Paris
Phone: 01 53 73 78 00 - Fax: 01 43 25 85 27
Métro: Cluny-la-Sorbonne
Open daily 9:15 to 17:45
Closed Tuesday

The museum is composed of two remarkable buildings: the Thermes gallo-romains (Gallo-Roman thermal baths, I - III centuries) and the hôtel des abbés de Cluny (Mansion of the abbots of Cluny, XVth century). The museum houses a splendid collection covering the entire range of medieval art (Kings of Judah heads, Notre-Dame de Paris; the tapestry of the Dame à la Licorne (Lady with Unicorn tapestry), stained-glass windows from the XVth to the end of the XVth century, fabrics, furniture, etc.).

Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire - 75005 Paris
Phone: 01 40 79 30 00
Métro: Jussieu et Austerlitz
Bus : 67, 86 et 91
Open from 10:00 to 18:00 and on Thursday to 22:00
Closed on Tuesday
Rates: 40 FRF

Musée de Notre Dame

Notre Dame de Paris (Crypte archéologique)
Place du Parvis de Notre Dame - 75004 Paris
Phone: 01 43 29 83 51
Métro: Cité
RER : Châtelet-Les Halles, Saint Michel-Notre Dame
Bus : 21, 24, 27, 38, 47, 85, 96
Open 14:00 to 18:00
Prices: 12 FRF - Red. 8 FRF - Group: 8 FRF, Res. 48 hours - Guided Tours, Conferences: By appointment
Closed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Under the square of Notre Dame is the largest archaeological crypt in Europe. Life and scenes of the Ile de la Cité from the third century to the nineteenth century. History of the Cathedral, of Paris, of France. The museum also recounts the life of the Cité from Lutecia through objects found in the archaeological crypt, through its marvellous small churches, now disappeared and through the splendour of the grand ceremonies staged there.

Musées de Paris

1, Place de la Concorde - 75008 Paris
Phone: 01 47 03 12 50 - Fax: 01 47 03 12 51
Open Tuesday from 12:00 to 21:30 - Wednesday to Friday from 12:00 to 19:00 -
Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00
Closed Monday
Price: 38 FRF - Red.: 28 FRF
Admission free for under 13

Musée Picasso

Hôtel Salé
5 rue de Thorigny - 75003 Paris
Phone: 01 42 71 25 21 - Fax: 01 48 04 75 46
Métro: Filles du Calvaire, Saint-Paul
Open daily 9:30 to 17:30 until 31 March and 9:30 to 18:00 until 1 April
Closed Tuesday

The museum is located in a superb XVII-century mansion. The French government was donated an important collection of works by Picasso, including paintings, 160 sculptures, collages, relief paintings, ceramics, prints, notebooks, as well as primitive objets d'art, photographs and works by Corot, Cézanne, le Douanier Rousseau, Matisse, Braque, etc. which belonged to Picasso's private collection.

Musée Pierre Marly - Lunettes et Lorgnettes

380, rue Saint-Honoré - 75001 Paris
Phone: 40 20 06 98
Métro: Concorde
RER: Invalides
Bus: 24
Open: 10 a.m.-12 noon/2-6 p.m.
Closed: Sunday, Monday, bank holidays
Prices: 20 FRF - Red: 10 FRF - Group: 10 FRF, res. 1 month -
Guided Tours, Conferences: Res. 1 month

The Musée de la Publicité

107, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris
Phone: 01 44 55 57 50 - fax: 01 44 55 57 84
Open Tuesdays to Fridays from 11:00 to 18:00 - Wednesdays to 21:00 -
Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 to 18:00
Closed on Mondays and national holidays
Métro: Palais Royal, Tuileries, Pyramides
Bus: 21, 27, 39, 48, 68, 72, 81, 95
Parking: Carrousel du Louvre, Rue des Pyramides
Access for the disabled via a lift at 105, Rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris
Talks and guided tours: phone Artdéco Culture on 01 44 55 59 26

Musée Rodin

Hôtel Biron
77 rue de Varenne - 75007 Paris
Phone: 01 44 18 61 10 - Fax: 01 45 51 17 52
Métro: Varenne
Open daily 9:30 to 16:45 from 1 October to 31 March,
9:45 to 17:45 from 1 April to 30 September
Closed Monday

A comprehensive collection of works by Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)
is presented in his mansion and in the gardens adjoining the house.

Musée de la sculpture en plein air

Quai Saint-Bernard - 75005 Paris
Phone: 43 26 91 90
Métro: Gare d'Austerlitz
Bus 24, 63, 89
Open around the clock, free access
The garden created in 1980 on the banks of the Seine presents sculptures
from the second half of the twentieth century: Brancusi, Gilioli... César

Musée de la Vie Romantique

Maison Renan Scheffer - 16, rue Chaptal - Paris 9
Phone: 01 48 74 95 38 - Fax: 48 74 95 38
Métro: Saint George, Place Blanche ou Pigalle
Open to the public every day except Mondays, from 10h a.m. to 5h p.m.
Entrance: 17, 50 FRF - Reduced rate: 9 FRF

Pavillon de l'arsenal

21 boulevard Morland - 75004 Paris
Phone: 01 42 76 33 97 - Fax: 01 42 76 26 32
Email: infopa@pavillon-arsenal.com
Métro: Sully-Morland ou Bastille
Bus: lignes 87, 86, 67
Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:30 to 18:30
and from 11:00 to 19:00 on Sunday
Closed on January 1st
Permanent exhibition : "Paris, a city in the making"

Pavillon des Arts

Les Halles - 101, rue Rambuteau - Paris 1
Phone: 01 42 33 82 50 Fax: 40 28 93 22
Métro and RER: Châtelet - Les Halles
Bus: N° 29 and 38
Open every days from 11:30 to 18:30
Closed on Monday.
Entrance : 30 FF

Musée national de la Renaissance

Château d'Ecouen - 95440 Ecouen
19 kilometers from Paris, take the autoroute A1, exit number 3,
Amiens Beauvais (N1), direction Chantilly (N16).
Phone: 01 34 38 38 50 - Fax: 01 34 38 38 78
Open daily 9:45 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 17:15
Guided tour of the castle and collections on Saturdays and Sundays at 15:30
Closed Tuesday

A remarkable selection of works of art from the XVI century: furniture, ceramics, enamels, tapestries (including the exceptional hanging retracing the History of David and Bathsheba) silverware and items in gold, paintings and armor, presented in one the most magnificent French castles of the XVI century, the original decor of which has been partly preserved: decorated ceilings, painted friezes and fireplaces, festal ornamental tiling.

Musée du château de Fontainebleau

77300 Fontainebleau
Phone: 01 60 71 50 70 - Fax: 01 60 71 50 71
Open daily 9:30 to 17:00
Closed Tuesday

Eight centuries of history of the French Kings from Saint Louis to Napoleon III: Renaissance room, royal suites; Museum of Napoleon the First, entirely devoted to the Emperor and his family for the period between 1804 and 1815, Chinese Museum and the apartments of the Empress Eugénie (open on Sundays). The museum also houses a splendid collection of paintings by Rosso, Primatice, Dubois, Boucher, etc.

Musée d'Art Américain

99 rue Claude Monet, 27620 Giverny
Open daily 10:00 to 18:00
Closed Monday

Musée des Granges de Port-Royal

Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - 78114 Magny-les-Hameaux
Phone: 01 39 30 72 72 - Fax: 01 30 64 79 55
RER C (Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) or RER B (Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse)
Open daily 11:00 to 18:00
Closed Tuesday

Prints, paintings, antique books and portraits retracing the history of the abbey
of Port-Royal and the Jansenist movement in the XVII century.

Musée du château de Malmaison

Château de Malmaison
avenue du château - 92500 Rueil-Malmaison
Phone: 01 41 29 05 55 - Fax: 01 41 29 05 56
RER A, station Grande Arche, then autobus 258 (Malmaison or Bois Préau)
Open daily:
October - April: 10:00 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 17:45
Week-end: 10:00 to 18:00
May - June - July: 10:00 to 17:45
Week-end: 10:00 to 18:00
August - September: 10:00 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 17:45
week-end: 10:00 to 18:00
Closed Tuesday

Musée des Antiquités nationales

78000 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Phone: 01 34 51 53 65 - Fax: 01 34 51 73 93
RER A Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Open daily 9:00 to 17:15
Closed Tuesday

Archeology of France: from the first man-made tools to the age of Charlemagne. Different sections: Prehistory, the Metal Age; the Celts, the Gallo-Romans, the Merovingians, compared archeology.
The museum is located in the castle where François I, Henri IV, Louis XIII lived and where Louis XIV was born.

Musée de la Céramique

Place de la Manufacture - 92310 Sèvres
Phone: 01 41 14 04 20 - Fax : 01 45 34 67 88
Métro : Pont de Sèvres
Open daily from 10:00 to 17:00
Closed Tuesday

European collections of potteries from the Middle Ages to the XVIII century. Islamic ceramics. European collections of earthenware and China from the XVI to the XX century.

Musée et domaine de Versailles

78000 Versailles
Phone: 01 30 83 78 00 - Fax: 01 30 83 76 48
The castle is open every day from 9:00 to 18:30
Closed Monday
Grand and Petit Trianon: 10:00 to 18:30
Between 1 October to 30 April the castle is open from 9:00 to 17:30
Grand and Petit Trianon, from Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 17:30
Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 to 17:30


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Paris Hotels - Ajiel: A nicely modern hotel housed in a 1930s building, Ajiel lies next door to the Trade Show Park of Porte de Versailles, about 15 minutes away from the...

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Paris Hotels - Americain: Hospitable and comfortable, Hotel Americain has cozy rooms with modern conveniences. It is centrally located (the Marais district)...

Paris Hotels in the 20th District

Paris Hotels - Armstrong: Recently refurbished, this hotel offers excellent value for the money. A rarity in Paris, it has a sauna and a pool table. The owner is English...

Paris Hotels near the Louvre Museum

Paris Hotels - De Lille: The art-deco inspired Hotel de Lille is located right behind the Orsay and (across the Seine) the Louvre museums. A strategic situation for art buffs...

Paris Hotels - De Noailles: Wow. That's the instant thought which came to our mind as we entered the Hotel Noailles. That, and “say, aren't these Japanese businessmen?”...

Paris Hotels - Etats-Unis Opera: In the heart of the Paris tourist area, between the Louvre and the Opéra, Hotel Etats-Unis invites you to a warm and refined atmosphere...

Paris Hotels - Des Ducs de Bourgogne: This hotel ranks amongst the nicest 3-stars in the first district (Louvre Museum area). What stands out most in our minds? The antique furniture...

Paris Hotels - Saint Louis: Enjoy the sophisticated atmosphere of a truly Parisian hotel just minutes away from the city center. Shop at the prestigious department stores...

Paris Hotels - Moliere: Not surprisingly, a bust of the French playwright the hotel is named after sits in the reception area. The theater he founded, the Comédie Française...

Paris Hotels - Louvre Saint Anne: The Corsican-Austrian couple who runs this hotel, which lies within easy walking distance to the Louvre museum, the Garnier Opera house and major shopping thoroughfares...

Paris Hotels near Opera House Garnier

Paris Hotels - Fénelon: Located behind the Garnier Opera House and the Church of Madeleine, Hotel Fenelon is in fact a 1930s villa. Everything here is art-deco...

Paris Hotels - Gaillon Opera: The Gaillon Opera Hotel conquered our hearts very quickly. Firstly, the manager, Mr Wolecki, is not without reminding you of Jeeves: well mannered...

Paris Hotels in Montmartre

Paris Hotels - Des Arts: Hotel des Arts is one of the few Parisian hotels which can boast being built right on the Montmartre hill (remember Amelie?). Its rooms are comfy...

Paris Hotels - Du Square d'Anvers: Situated on the Montmartre hill, Hotel du Square d'Anvers's second most remarkable feature is the view from its top floor - breathtaking...

Paris Hotels - Utrillo: Built on the foothills of the Montmartre mound, about 10 mins on foot from the Church of the Sacret Heart, the Utrillo is one of Paris smaller hotels with 30 rooms only - a typical size for the area...

Paris Hotels near
Palais des Congrès de Paris

Paris Hotels - Neuville: The 17th district of Paris is one of the best-kept secrets of the French capital. This rather large district features several noteworthy areas...

Paris Hotels near the Eiffel Tower

Paris Hotels - Londres Eiffel: The Londres Eiffel hotel is the closest 3-star to the Eiffel Tower: 2 minutes from the Champ de Mars (we clocked ourselves)...

Paris Hotels near the Latin Quarter

Paris Hotels - d'Albe: The Albe Hotel is very nicely located in the famed Latin Quarter, where all students gather during the schoolyear...

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Paris Hotels - De Varenne: The Varenne Hotel is exactly like Jean-Marc Pommier, its owner: elegant, welcoming, well-mannered. The hotel is sparkling clean...

Paris Hotels near Saint-Germain des Pres

Paris Hotels - Luxembourg Parc: Hotel Luxembourg Parc is located in the heart of historic Paris, just minutes from the Luxembourg Gardens and Saint-Germain des Pres...

Paris Hotels - Le Clement: Well located in St Germain des Pres (the Latin Quarter), the Hotel Clement could qualify for the adjective 'charming'. Its rooms are color-themed...

Paris Hotels near Champs Elysees

Paris Hotels - Tilsitt Etoile: For those of our business readers who travel to Paris to lock in a deal, the Tilsitt Etoile is a strong choice. The location is prime...

Paris Hotels - Centre Ville Etoile: No shortage of style here. The Centre Ville Etoile hotel is a small jewel of interior design, blending Art Nouveau decoration with Eiffel-style inner walkways...

Paris Hotels - West End: We confess we fell for the West End. Exquisite decoration, very nice service. The personnel is very helpful, and they speak six European languages...

Paris Hotels - Francois 1er: At a prestigious address in the heart of the famous "Golden Triangle" district of Avenue des Champs Elysées...

Paris Hotels - Elysees Regencia: Ah! Oh! Lovely. Gorgeous. How refined! Wow. All immediate feelings triggered by the Regencia. This old but fully renovated palace stands in a class of its own...

Paris Hotels near the Seine River

Paris Hotels - Sovereign Saint Ouen: Located on the bank of the Seine River, Sovereign Saint Ouen Hotel offers a prestigious location and hotel for your stay in Paris. You will be only a short travel from Notre Dame Cathedral...